John Browne jnr


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John Browne jnr -1819 to 1851+

John Browne jnr was the son of John_Browne_snr who ran the iron foundry in St. George’s Colegate. His father did not describe himself as a millwright, only as an iron founder and should not be confused with the John Browne who was a millwright in St. John’s Timberhill. John Browne was married on the 3rd February 1819.


Wednesday last, by the Rev. Chas. Smith, Mr. John Browne, jun. millwright, of this city, to Miss Norton, daughter of Mr. Norton, of Tuddenham.
Norfolk Chronicle - 6th February 1819

The marriage took place at St. Julian church and the bride’s maiden name was Rose Ann Norton.
John Browne was one of the contractors who built the Duke’s Palace Bridge in 1821‑22. He was advertising cast iron windows for sale in 18233 and was declared bankrupt in February 1828, described as an Iron Founder.

WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against JOHN BROWNE, the younger, of the City of Norwich, Iron Founder, dealer and chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the Twelfth day of March next, at five of the clock in the afternoon, and on the Thirteenth day of March next, at Eleven of the clock in the forenoon, and on the Eleventh day of April next, at Twelve of the clock at Noon, at the Castle and Lion Inn, in the parish of St. Peter of Mancroft, in the City of Norwich, & make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects, when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sitting the Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his effects are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs. Francis and Turner, of Surry Street, Norwich, or Messrs. Spence and Desborough, of No. 6, Sise Lane, Bucklersbury, London.
Norfolk Chronicle - 1st March 1828

His effects were for auction in 1834

To Iron Founders & Millwrights,
On Wednesday, May 7th. 1834,
At Saint George's Foundary, Norwich

A Large Quantity of MOULDS, Patterns, and other Effects, of Mr. JOHN BROWNE, (a Bankrupt); comprising an extensive assortment of Foundry and Millwrights Tools, moulds, and patterns, iron doors for safes, several lots of weights, iron water pipers, hogshead of lamp black, shelving, &c; also a quantity of Building Materials, with various other articles. The Sale will commence at Half‑past Ten o'clock.
Norfolk Chronicle - 3rd May 1834

In 1841, John Browne was given as a millwright aged 45-49 living in Hawes Row, Lakenham with wife Ann, 45-49, sons Christopher 13, Spencer 10 and Frederic 7, daughters Mary 15, Rose 15, and Lucy 34.

In 1861 he was given as a millwright aged 67 lodging in Timberhill Street, St. John Timberhill.

Some of his work still survives -
The original Duke’s Palace Bridge now forms the entrance to the main car park of the Castle Mall shopping centre in Norwich.

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